Sunwave 6.14.0 [ODD]

Sunwave 6.14.0 [ODD]


Feb 28, 2023


34 issues

Table of Contents


Release Highlights

RCM Enhancements

Ability to bill directly to Providers

NOTE: This feature is to address a very specialized use case for TrueNorth, please read carefully before enabling this on any other customer realms.

This feature is designed for customers with a business model where they contract with a large number of individual Providers, who provide services under our customer’s brand, but all claims are billed directly to the provider instead of the customer. This may become a business model we see more of in Outpatient facilities.

To enable a Provider(s) for direct billing, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Enable billing direct to provider on the realm.

  2. Create Billing Facilities for each provider with direct billing.

  3. Map Providers to their Billing Facility.

  4. Enable direct billing on applicable services.


To enable direct billing on a realm:

  • Go to Manage Realms.

  • Check the option Enable Bill Directly to Provider:


To create a Billing Facility a Provider will map to:

  • Go to Practice Setup > Billing Facilities.

  • Click New Billing Facility:


  • Provide it a friendly name and complete all required fields including Payment Processing and Clearing House setup if those will be used by the Provider.

  • Click the Create button.


To map a Billing Facility to a Provider:

  • Go to Practice Setup > Providers, then click on the Provider you wish to enable:

  • Select the Billing Facility (new dropdown) to associate with the Provider.

  • Click Update to save your changes.


To enable direct billing for a service:

  • Go to Master Data > Manage Services and click on the service you want to edit.

  • In the Service Information section at the top, select Directly To Provider as the Bill Under Legal Entity:



Additional Notes:

  • When a service is configured to bill Directly To Provider, if the Provider associated with the claim does NOT have an association with a Billing Facility, the claim will automatically be put on hold.


Ability to populate Rendering Provider (Box 24J) and Provider Signature (Box 31) based on the first Provider signature

NOTE: This feature is to address a very specialized use case for certain, primarily Outpatient, customers. Please read carefully before enabling this on any other customer realms.

This enhancement is to address CMS requirements for customers who have multiple Physicians. In this scenario, CMS requires that the Physician who completed the services be used as the Rendering Provider (Box 24J) and Provider Signature (Box 31):

Prior to this enhancement, you could only map services to an individual Provider.


Prerequisites for enabling this feature:

  • No more than a single form associated with any given service.

  • The same form cannot be associated with multiple services.

  • This feature is only available for Outpatient auto-billing:


To enable this feature on a realm:

  • Go to Master Data > Manage Realms, click on the Realm you wish to edit.

  • Check the Populate form First Signed Provider on the claim:


    • If your realm has services with multiple forms associated to them or a single form used in multiple services, an error message will be presented:


    • You will need to modify the listed Services (Master Data > Manage Services) to be linked to at most a single form before enabling this feature on the realm.

  • Click Accept.


To enable billing based on First Provider Signature for a service:

  • Go to Master Data > Manage Services, click the Outpatient service you wish to edit.

  • Expand the Rule you want to apply this to, then select the First Provider Signature as your Physician:


  • NOTE: Once this feature is enabled on a realm, users will no longer be able to associate more than one form with a single service. If they attempt to add more than one form, the following error will occur:


How it works when configured for First Provider Signature:

  • When generating claims, use the Name and Rendering Provider ID of the first user to sign the form who is a Provider (Practice Setup > Providers) to populate Boxes 31 (Signature) and 24J (Rendering Provider ID).

  • This rule will apply to both CMS1 500 and UB04 claims generation. For UB04s, the first provider to sign the form will be place in Box 76.


Ability to use Allowed amount instead of Billable amount when creating payments from ERAs

This feature provides the ability to configure a realm to use the Allowed Amount instead of the Billable Amount when creating payments from ERAs.

To enable this feature:

  • Go to Manage Realms, check the option to Use Allowed amount in payments from ERAs:


  • Click Update to save changes.

When enabled, creating in a payment through Billing > Manage EOBs > New Remit > From ERA, the Allowed Amount will be used instead of the Billable Amount.

Calendar Enhancements

  • Reminders: Ability to configure email and/or text reminders on calendar appointments. SUN-1762 & SUN-391

  • Updated Time Scale: one hour increments so the entire work day is visible SUN-2020

    • I am excited to say we have upgraded the time scale on the calendar from 15 minute blocks to 1 hour blocks similar to the other popular calendars. Updated Features include

      • Default to one hour increments

      • Show 12 hours on a full computer monitor

      • Calendar Day starts at 12 am and ends at 11:59 pm

      • Update time to be more casual 7 am not 07:00 am

      • Add Gray scale behind time to distinguish from the canvas

  • Flexible Appointment Times: Ability to configure appointment start and end times down to the minute. SUN-1099 & Scale Sessions to length of Time SUN-1980

    • Change was made to both the session edit screen and the canvas with the new ability to make a meeting time start at any minute of the day and be any length of time throughout the same session:

    • Meetings will show relative size to the length of the meeting, smallest meeting will fill a 15 minute slot so you can schedule a 1, 5, 10 min meeting it will show in a 15 minute size space.

    • New Hover over (Black with white lettering below) ability to see full title and details of the meeting that may be too small to view otherwise.


  • Flexible Group Schedule Times: Ability to configure Group Sessions (Time Spans) at any hour of the day. SUN-1643

    • When adding Time Spans to a Group Session Schedule in Practice Setup > Group Sessions Schedule, users now have the ability to select a start time at any hour of the day (in 15 minute increments):


  • Freeze Headers & Time: Updated the calendar to freeze row and column headers for improved usability. SUN-1981

    • We now have frozen the calendar headers so when you scroll down you don’t lose the information at the top of the page.

    • Horizontal Scroll: we have now updated the calendar so you can add as many custom calendars as you wish, with a new horizontal scroll bar the time will stay put while you scroll through your custom calendars.

    • See image further below in the Red line section.

  • Red Line: Added a red line representing the current time of the realm. SUN-1991

    • Important - the red line will show on the current time of that day for that realm, which matches the session time zone as well.

    • When the time changes the red line will move to match the current time.

    • The red line will only appear on today in a week view.

    • The calendar will start on the time where the red line is currently located.

EMR Enhancements

Ability for Sunwave users to define AOE questions and associate them with Lab Services

This feature allows Sunwave Users (any user with access to Master Data) to create ‘Ask on Entry’ (AOE) questions and assign them to specific Lab Services to trigger AOE prompts for those services when creating and submitting Lab Requisitions. Each AOE question defined can be associate with one or more Lab Services.

Labs provide a list of AOE questions as part of their Lab Compendium, which typically consist of the following values:

  • order code = the lab services(s) the AOE applies to.

  • name = name of the lab service(s) the AOE applies to.

  • Question code = the code for the question. (sent in OBX)

  • Question Text = the question text. (sent in OBX)

  • Question Type = DD is Drop Down and the options for the drop down are in column F, FT = free text

  • Answer Options = the answers for the drop-down question

  • Mandatory = indicates whether the AOE is a required field or not.

Example AOE Questions (Gravity Labs):

To define a new AOE question:

  • Go to Master Data > AOE Lab Questions:


  • Click New Question:


    • Select the Service Type.

    • Enter an AOE Code, this can be any integer value. This value does not have to be unique. For example, users may want to define a ‘set’ of questions associated with the same AOE Code that can be associated to different services.

    • Enter the OBX-CODE from the lab compendium.

    • Enter the Question text from the lab compendium.

    • If the AOE is required by the lab, check the Required option.

    • Select the Response Format.

    • If the Option Yes or No or Options values, you can customize the values presented to the user by editing the list of Response Values. List each value you want to appear in the dropdown, separated by a semicolon (;).

  • When finished, click Save:


To assign an AOE question to a Lab Service:

  • Go to Master Data > Manage Lab Services.

  • Click on the Lab Service name you want to associate with the AOE Question to edit.

  • Select the AOE Code for the question you want to associate with the service, then click Update:


  • Create a test requisition using the modified Lab Service:


  • Click Send Requisition and conform that the associated AOE Question prompt appears:


Ability to send the guarantor segment as a GT1 segment of bi-directional lab orders

This feature allows customers to send the Guarantor name and address in a GT1 segment when required by their Lab(s).

To enable this feature:

  • Go to Lab Interfaces from the profile dropdown (upper right of the Sunwave banner).

  • Check the Send Guarantor segment (GT1) option found in the HL7 Requisition - Config Fields section (bottom right):


  • When creating Lab Requisitions, the guarantor details sent in the GT1 segment will be based on the option selected for Who to Bill in the Point of Care section:


    • For Patient Billable, the Patient’s name and address from the Face Sheet will be included

    • Otherwise, the name and address for the Primary Subscriber from the Face Sheet will be included.

    • Example of HL7 containing GT1 segment:


Ability to customize medication list in the Add POC component used in Bi Directional Lab Order Forms

This enhancement allows customers to add and remove medications from the Add POC component used in Bi Directional Lab Order Forms.

NOTE: This feature does NOT include the ability to send custom medications added to the Add POC component to the Lab, these values will exist only in the form. Ability to send custom POC values to the Lab is being tracked in SUN-2086.

(JAKE: confirm with CS that customer does not need to send ETG to the Lab)

To customize the Add POC component:

  • In Forms Builder, open the form containing your Add POC component.

  • Hover over the Add POC component and click the Edit button:


  • To add a new option to the Add POC component:

    • Click the + button:


    • Enter the Meds name, then click Accept:


  • To delete an option from the Add POC component:

    • Click on the Delete (trash can) button next to the item to delete:


    • When prompted to confirm deletion, click Yes.

Ability to delete profile photos on a patient chart

To delete a profile photo on a patient chart:

  • Click on the magnifying glass icon below the patient photo:


  • Select the photo to delete using the numbers in the bottom left, then click Delete Selected:


  • When prompted to confirm deletion of the photo, click Delete Photo:


Added validation to prevent users from creating Group Notes on a future date

To prevent users from creating Group Notes and/or N-Forms with start dates in the future:

  • In Manage Realms, check the configuration option labeled Validate No Future Dates in N-Forms and Group Notes:


  • In Group Notes (left menu), click Create Group Note.

  • Provide a Session Title, Starting On and Ending on Time, and select a Session Date in the future:


  • Click Add, note that the user will be notified of the invalid future date and it will be reset:

Ability to drill to details on the Program Census Report

On the Reports > Program Census Reports, each of the cells now provide a link allowing users to drill to details and view the specific patients associated with the count:

Clicking on a cell will open the Patient details pop-up:

All Tickets in Release

Bug Fixes

  • SUN-1189 Unbilled Report: Should not include patients in a Pre-admission level of care.

  • SUN-1862 Unable to Open Form

  • SUN-1877 Pre-Admission LOC not Holding Value when previous LOC Removed

  • SUN-1636 Appointments From Different Users Show Up on Other Users Calendars

  • SUN-1774 Program Census Report: Incorrect Data

  • SUN-1899 Group Notes no longer designate billable vs nonbillable

  • SUN-1773 When exporting forms or folders html code is exported instead of apostrophe

  • SUN-475 Calendar: Adding a session for another staff member causes it to show on the creator's calendar when it should not.

  • SUN-1914 Some appointments visible in the Roster reports not showing on calendar.

  • SUN-1906 VA Member - Authorization/Claim Issue

  • SUN-1376 Email Address in Patient Engagement for child realm Not pre-populating

  • SUN-2061 “Print to Submit” creates a broken PDF when printing multi-page claims.

  • SUN-1155 Calendar: Weekly vs Daily View Discrepancy

  • SUN-2074 Issues uploading Patients with empty Primary/Secondary Subscriber DOB and Secondary Insurance Provider

  • SUN-1939 Calendar: Updating the time of a recurring event causes run time exception error.


  • SUN-1958 Service Rules: Ability to bill directly to Providers

  • SUN-973 Service Rules: Ability to drive Box 31 and Box 24J based on the First Provider Signature

  • SUN-1762 Calendar: Enable TEXT reminders on calendar events

  • SUN-391 Calendar: Enable EMAIL reminders on calendar appointments

  • SUN-1099 Calendar: Ability to schedule sessions in 1 minute increments

  • SUN-2020 Calendar: Scale calendar in 1hr increments vs 15min so more of the calendar is visible without having to scroll.

  • SUN-2016 Calendar: Refactor backend to make diagnosing issues and enhancements easier.

  • SUN-1991 Calendar: Add Red current time line

  • SUN-1986 Calendar: Update size of appointments on calendar to flexible durations.

  • SUN-1981 Calendar: Freeze banner, row headers and column headers so users can scroll without losing context of the date and time.

  • SUN-1643 Group Session Schedule: Ability to create sessions starting at 6:00am

  • SUN-1841 Ability for Sunwave users to define AOE questions and associate them with Lab Services.

    • SUN-1136 Lab Integration: Gravity Diagnostics

  • SUN-1823 Aegis labs / Endless mountains need the GT1 segment in their lab requisition

  • SUN-1173 Add 'ETG' to the POC Section in Bi Directional Lab Order Form

  • SUN-1338 Prevent Users from Creating Group Notes on a Future Date

  • SUN-466 Patient Picture: Ability to delete a picture if they accidentally take it in the wrong chart.

  • SUN-1816 Ability to use Allowed amount instead of Billable amount when creating payments from ERAs

  • SUN-993 Ad-hoc Reports: Improve server memory utilization

Pop-up Release Notes

Calendar Enhancements

  • Ability to configure email and/or text reminders on calendar appointments.

  • Added flexible meeting times allowing users to configure appointment start and end times down to the minute.

  • Added the ability to configure Group Sessions (Time Spans) at any hour of the day.

  • Updated and modernized the calendar time scale to a one hour increments so the entire work day is visible.

  • Froze the banner and calendar column headers so when you scroll down you don’t lose the sight of the top of the page.

  • Froze the calendar row headers and introduced the ability to display as many custom calendars as you wish.

  • Added a red line indicating the current time to the calendar for easy orientation to current day’s time.

EMR Enhancements

  • Ability to delete profile photos on a patient chart.

  • Added validation to prevent users from creating Group Notes on a future date.

  • Ability to drill to details on the Program Census report.

  • Ability to send the guarantor segment as a GT1 segment in bi-directional lab orders.

  • Ability to customize the medication list in the Add POC component used in bi-directional lab order forms.

Defects Resolved

  • Unbilled Report includes patients in a Pre-Admission level of care when it should not.

  • Pre-Admission level of care not displaying in the patient header when previous levels of care are removed.

  • Appointments associated with one user sometimes appear on other user's calendars.

  • Users assigned to the same program multiple times or are assigned to multiple levels of care on the same day are double counted in the Program Census Report.

  • Group Notes configured as billable appearing as nonbillable (GNNB) in the Billable Report.

  • Apostrophe characters used in the label of Text Area component(s) and/or the Behavioral Objectives element of Group Notes show as HTML (') when exporting forms or folders.

  • Editing an individual appointment that is part of a recurring appointment can cause it not to appear on either the Day or Week view of the calendar.

  • Auto-billing rules not taking into account Admission Date when generating claims.

  • Unable to search for patient’s Email address when creating an envelope in Patient Engagement on a child realm.

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