Sunwave 7.19

Sunwave 7.19


May 8, 2024


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Table of Contents

Release Highlights

RCM Enhancements

New 'Collections Warning' Feature with History

What's New: We've added a 'Collections Warning' feature for administrators to mark patient accounts that should not be billed. The feature includes an effective date, comments, and is displayed prominently on the patient's header. It also tracks changes to this status.

Why it Matters: This feature prevents mistakes in billing sensitive accounts and provides a clear record of any changes made to a patient's collections status.

Who it's For: It's designed for administrators in clinics who handle billing and collections, ensuring they have the necessary tools to manage patient accounts effectively.

How to Use: Administrators can toggle the 'Collections Warning' from the patient menu, set dates, and add notes. A red 'COLLECTIONS' indicator will show on the patient's profile for visibility. History can be viewed by clicking 'View History,' and changes are saved with the 'Save' button or cancelled with the 'Cancel' button.

Patient Ledger Update: Sort Claims by Date of Service

What's New: The Patient Ledger now automatically sorts claims by Date of Service, starting with the oldest. This update applies to both the on-screen view and the PDF export function.

Why it Matters: This sorting feature makes it easier for billers and collectors to navigate and manage historical data, enhancing efficiency in tracking patient claims.

Who it's For: Ideal for billers and collectors who need to review and manage patient financial records within the Patient Ledger.

How to Use: Access the Patient Ledger through the patient chart under Insurance > Patient Ledger. All claims will be displayed in ascending order by Date of Service. Newly added or updated claims will automatically be sorted into the correct order.

CRM Enhancements

Timeline Reports - Lead Timeline Reporting

What's New: The timeline report has been extended to allow reporting on lead timelines

Why it Matters: Timeline reporting allows users to track activities, tasks, and other events that occur in the Lead.

Who it's For: This enhancement can be used by any user with to CRM reporting in addition to business development managers, admissions managers and administrators.

How to Use: Navigate through CRM → Timeline Reports and select Lead in the Entity field.


Referral Sources - Capture and Display History of Field Modifications

What's New: Referral Sources have been enhanced to display changes made to their profile via a history widget.

Why it Matters: This enhancement increases traceability of user actions for referral sources and answers the question of who changed what.

Who it's For: This enhancement can be used by any user with access to referral sources.

How to Use: Navigate through CRM → Referral Sources. Select a referral source and modify the referral source header to view the button.






Patient Engagement Enhancements

Extend Required Fields Functionality to Additional Fields in Patient Engagement

What's New: Patient Engagement now supports a wider selection of required fields

Why it Matters: This enhancement assists users in ensuring critical questions on assessments are answered.

Who it's For: Compliance officers, Clinical Directors, Medical Directors and administrators can now require more types of questions to be answered to ensure they get the necessary information from patients and staff.

How to Use: Add a supported form component to a form and view the “Required” option

EMR Enhancements

Preferred Name Functionality

What's New: The CRM & EMR now support recording a patients preferred name when creating a chart or opportunity!

Why it Matters: This enhancement surfaces the way patients prefer to be referred to allowing a closer relationship with their care team and ensuring staff are aware of patient preferences.

Who it's For: Preferred name can be utilized by admissions reps assisting a prospect decide where they will recieve the best care as well. Clinicians can reference the preferred name to ensure they refer to their patients as they wish to be called.

How to Use: Preferred Name can be captured or updated on the opportunity creation screen, the new patient screen or by editing a patients name in the header.


Search by preferred name in via the left menu

View preferred name



Search and add patients to group using preferred name

Caseload - Unsigned Forms - Sort & Filter

What's New: Caseload - Unsigned Forms now supports filtering by form name, patient, service date, created date and user.

Why it Matters: Allows quick identification of what forms need to be signed via form name or staff member

Who it's For: This enhancement can be used by any user with access to unsigned forms, but should greatly assist clinicians and administrators.

How to Use: Navigate through Caseload → Unsigned forms and utilize the filter and user fields


Caseload - Group Notes Tracker - Display Group Start Time & Patient Attended Time

What's New: Caseload - Group Notes tracking has been enhanced to display the start time of the group in addition to the date.

Why it Matters: Allows quick identification of what groups a patient has attended

Who it's For: This enhancement can be used by any user with access to Caseload Tracker

How to Use: For any Caseload tracker configured to include group notes, examine the group session column to view this enhancement!

Calendar Dynamic Report - Telehealth Reporting

What's New: The Calendar Dynamic report now includes session data from telehealth appointments including a join list, session start, end and duration times.

Why it Matters: This report now supports telehealth appointment reporting by surfacing data designed to help verify when patients and clinicians start, join or end telehealth sessions.

Who it's For: This enhancement is available to all users with access to the Calendar Dynamic Report but should assist compliance, quality, clinical directors and therapists better serve their remote/outpatient patients.

How to Use: Navigate through the left nav menu to locate Reports → Calendar Dynamic Reports and select Lead from the Entity


Patient Facesheet - Implement Last Modified By on “Do Not Re-Admit” flag

What's New: “Do Not Re-Admit” now tracks and displays who and when it was last modified

Why it Matters: This enhancement increases traceability of user actions for and answers the question of who flagged or unflagged a patient as Do Not Re-Admit.

Who it's For: Administrators, Clinician Directors and Medical Directors now have firmer control over flagging patients

How to Use: This is available for everyone. The flag is accessible via the blue menu on the patient facesheet

EMR - Advanced Group Sessions - Implement Group Titles List

What's New: Advanced Group Sessions in Sunwave can now reference group titles and their associated behavioral objectives

Why it Matters: This enhancement allows group session coordinators and therapists to reference the library of group session titles and behavioral objectives configured in Practice Set-up, providing greater flexibility around group topics.

Who it's For: This enhancement is for clinical directors, therapists and non-clinical users who utilize advanced group sessions.

How to Use: Navigate to Practice Set-Up and select Group Titles List to build your library of group session titles and objectives. These titles can be referenced by any advanced group session opted-in to the library via Practice Set-Up → Advanced Group Config and selecting “Display Group Titles List”


Using the left nav, select the advanced group session and create a group note. Notice the “Create from List” option in the bottom right.


Click into the Session Title field to review your list of group session titles and behavioral objectives

Medication Orders - Option: “Medication not for Observation/Administration”

What's New: Sunwave now offers the option to NOT display observation/administration records on the MAR in support of outpatient facilities, take home meds or any orders a facility is not required to observe or administer.

Why it Matters: All medication orders previously pushed to the MOR/MAR, resulting in facilities attempting to enter patient MOR/MAR records for medication they are not required to track.

Who it's For: This enhancement is primarily for facilities that provide outpatient services, however the option is available on all orders in support of take home meds or medications given that a client does not take on-site.

How to Use: This option is present on the Medication Order modal, simply check the “Medication not for Observation/Administration” option to ON.

Form Builder Enhancements

Extend Required Fields Functionality to Additional Fields

What's New: Form builder now permits more fields to be required prior to accepting a signature on a form.

Why it Matters: This enhancement assists users in ensuring critical questions on assessments are answered.

Who it's For: Compliance officers, Clinical Directors, Medical Directors and administrators can now require more types of questions to be answered to ensure they get the necessary information from patients and staff.

How to Use: Add a supported form component to a form and view the “Required” option

Ticket Summary Table




EMR - Unsigned Forms - Sort & Filter


CRM - Lead Referral Source Account Owner


Fax Cover Sheets - To/From Fields Reversed from Sunwave to Interfax


Advanced Group Sessions - CSV Download of Advanced Group Note Title Breaks if special character present in title


CRM/EMR - Preferred Name - Functional Requirements


Fixed Page Numbers on Printed Multi-Page Claims


Insurance Provider Component Blanks Out Pre-Selected Value in Patient Engagement Forms


PE - Required Fields Support


Manage Realms Business Logo Placement reverts with each Manage Realms Change


Fax - Next Button Disappears on the Send Fax Pop Up if there is a period in the patient name


CRM - Calls list - Search & Next page broken for La Hacienda


Patient Statements/Ledger - Sort Claims by Date of Service in Patient Ledger


Implement Collections Warning Feature with History Tracking


Persiting Issue with Fix Missing Payment Value in Patient Debit Close File


Form Builder - Allow "Account Contact Select" field to be a reportable field


EMR - Caseload Tracker - Modify Group Notes Column


Large CareSource ERAs load-Time Out


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