2FA - Hard Tokens for Sunwave

2FA - Hard Tokens for Sunwave

Enabling two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection to your account. You may need to contact your IT Department if you are unable to setup 2-Step Verification. This Guide will review two recommended hard tokens and how to set each up.

Click here to learn more about 2FA and Authentication Apps: 2FA and Authenticator Apps Explained

Table of Contents:

Recommended Hard Token Manufacturers/Models


These USB two factor authenticators are perfect for staff who may require two factor setups for multiple applications. These devices can be set up via computer or mobile phone via NFC. In order to utilize with Sunwave, an accompanying application is required either via desktop or mobile application.

Yubico - YubiKey 5C NFC



Yubico - YubiKey 5 NFC


How to set up

Download the Yubico Authenticator app to your pc/mobile device.


Open the app on your device

  1. Windows/Mac



  2. Plug your key in via the USB port. App should recognize the key installed. Click on Add Account.



  3. Click on “Add Manually” to set up your new token



  4. Follow the guide here to complete the setup and hit “Save” when complete.



  5. To obtain a new code, click on the code/account and click “Copy to Clipboard”.



Please Note - The YubiKey can be removed and inserted into device when needed after setup. The Authenticator app will not function without a YubiKey attached.


Token2 - miniOTP-2-i

This credit card like two factor hard token authenticator is perfect for users who do not wish to utilize an application on their mobile phones. Set up does require a mobile device with NFC Capabilities but is only needed for initial setup. An administrator can set up via their mobile phone for each user.


How to set up

  1. Download the Token2 App from your Apple/Google Play App store

    1. Apple - ‎TOKEN2 NFC Burner

    2. Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.token2.nfcburner2

  2. Open the app to begin card setup

    1. Click “Scan QR” to open the QR Scanner

      click to enlarge
    2. When user logs in continue to 2FA setup prompt to obtain the user’s unique QR Code. Scan the Code

      click to enlarge
    3. Click on the Gear Icon next to “🔥Burn” and configure settings as displayed

      1. Time Offset - No Change

      2. Display Off: 15s

      3. Algorithm: SHA1

      4. Time Sync: Auto

    4. Click on the Blue Configure Button and Scan card to accept changes.

    5. Click on “🔥Burn” to pair the token. Make sure you power on the Token2 card. Once NFC is activated, hold card against phone as instructed.

      click to enlarge
    6. After pairing is complete you can turn on card the next time you wish to generate a code. By Default the card will turn off after 30 seconds.

      click to enlarge

In total you will scan your token twice, once to configure and once to burn. To reset your card for a new 2FA number, turn device on via power icon to generate a new 2FA number.

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