How to Use Configure Alerts

How to Use Configure Alerts

How to Use Configure Alerts:

Go to Practice Set Up > Configure Alerts:


Once in this screen to add an alert click on the green button in the upper right hand corner New Alert:


You will be brought to the next screen, please note configuring alerts is something used when you would like to be alerted to complete a form from either Admission or from the last time that form has been entered:

Your rule type will be based on Since Admission or Since Last Form

Applicable to Level of Care means this will only apply to a specific level of care or you can select all

Your Rule Name is free text and can be made to what you like ex. Complete BIO in 24 hours

Form Name this is the specific form this rule applies to

Days means how many days since (your rule type) either Since Admission or Since Last Form

Team Queue is who needs to be alerted

Alert message is the message that will be sent to that Team Queue to get them to complete the form

Once completed click Add then it will appear as follows: