How To Forms Folder Admin

How To Forms Folder Admin

How To Forms Folder Admin:


On the left hand bar you will find Forms Folder Admin:


Once you click on this it will bring you to the Manage Patient’s Folder Screen:

In order to create a new Folder you will click on the New Patients Folder button in the upper right hand corner:

You will then be prompted to create your Folder Name and choose the items you wish to be in that folder:

The different choices are Include Header(this includes the Header on the Patient Chart), Include Diagnosis Codes (this will include the diagnosis listed within the form) Only Selected Checkboxes (this will ONLY place checkboxes that have been selected for that specific form), Included (form included in its entirety), and Not Included (will not include form). You will then choose your items which will highlight in green (there is a filter option up at the top if you want to quickly choose a form)

Once you have chosen all of the forms click on Add and it will appear in your Folders to choose from:


When you want to pull the folder for a specific patient you go in the patients chart and click on the Menu option in the upper right hand corner then choose Export Folder:


You will be brought to the Export Patient’s Folder Screen and can choose the packet, choose the specific Admission the client was in during the timeframe requested, your Service Facility (if there are multiple) and the time span, there are a few checkboxes that state Export Only Signed Forms (this will ONLY include signed forms) Include Attachments (if you have a form where you attached a PDF item it will pull those as well) Include Level of Care will include the level of care listed in the header of the clients chart or Include Authorized Level of care which is the Level of Care authorized in the chart.

Once you generate the form it will bring you to this screen:

You can either Click on the blue writing of Generated Files, which will bring you to the Generated Files section:


Under status it may say In Progress, Completed, or Failed. In progress means it is still pulling the items, but if you click on the blue refresh button next to the Search option it will continually refresh until it states it is completed. If in Complete status you can click on the Name of the Packet and export the item to a PDF file and print (if you have the fax set up you can click on Send By Fax to fax them directly). If the item Fails then you will need to contact your Sunwave administrator.

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