User Permissions

User Permissions


  1. User must have “Admin” in their User Permissions enabled

  2. User must have access to “ Left Panel → Practice Setup → Users”

User must meet the above criteria in order to manage users permissions

Table of Contents

User Specific


Practice setup access to make back-end system changes and managing users

User Limited To See Only Search Patient

User can only find and access patient charts by typing in the patient’s name in the search bar. “Search Patients” button in left-panel will be hidden.

Allowed to delete N-Forms

Ability to delete forms and its contents from a chart

Strongly encouraged for admins only.

If a form is accidentally deleted, it will take 1-2 weeks to recover

Can see restricted patients

Allows the user to access all restricted patients

Edit Patient Header Info

User can edit patient’s date of birth, name, level of care, and program information (if system does not have split-program)

Restrict Level of Care

Restricts user from editing/removing level of care history. User is still able to update the level of care by creating a new row in the level of care table.

Edit Program Info

Allows the user to edit program information

Only accessible with split-program feature

Authorized to authenticate devices/computers

This user will physically grant other users access to Sunwave. Can only be assigned to 1 user throughout system. Needs to be turned on at the realm-level before this permission can be granted.

Force Two factor authentication

Requires user to download Google Authenticator on their mobile device. User will now be required to login with the 6-digit code from Google Authenticator, in addition to their email and password.

Can be assigned as a therapist to a client

User will appear in the dropdown for “Primary Counselor” in the level of care table.

Is Auditor

User will be the reviewer/auditor for a form prior to the form going to the Form Approval Role. User has ability to reject, or approve, the form.

Access Form History View

Grants user the “View History” icon in section headers of a form to see the history of changes within a form.

Can Restore Form

When “View History” is selected, the user is able to restore a past version of a form.

Access to Manage Insurance Providers

Under “Billing” in the Left Panel, the user can edit, add, or remove Insurance Providers.

Can delete signatures

In the “Menu” button of a patient chart, the user will see an option to “Delete Signatures”. Any signature can be deleted.

Can be assigned to an Action Order

The user will appear in the dropdown for Action Order “Assigned to User” and Action Order Groups.

Can Delete Files from Documents Form

Grants the user “X” button in the Documents tab. User can delete forms and folders in the Documents tab within the patient chart.

Show Order Justification on MARS

When viewing the MARS/MORS, the user has access to see the justification under the medication name.

Is Admin For Unsigned Forms

When viewing Unsigned Forms in Case Load, the user has the search bar to see other user’s unsigned forms.

Can access only allowed patients

All charts will be restricted from this user. A new box will appear in their User Permissions titled “Allowed Patients”. This is where you will need to assign the specific charts the user can access.

Access M.A.R.A. (AI Agent)

Assigning user to MARA license to use in group notes

MARA Role: dictates how the user will be addressed in the MARA prompt in the Group Note (therapist/group facilitator)

Can configure calendar colors

In Calendar → Menu, User will be able to change the default colors for Session Types and Session Status.

Referral Sources

No access

Referral Sources will be hidden from the left-panel and user will not be able to access referral sources with the referral source feature (ex. Face Sheet).

Read only

Referral Sources will show in the left-panel and user is able to view, but unable to edit. User will be able to access referral sources with the referral source feature (ex. Face Sheet).


Referral Sources will show in the left-panel and user is able to view and manage. User will be able to access referral sources with the referral source feature.


Lab Requisitions

Access to the sub-label “Lab Requisitions” in the “Labs” option in the Left-Panel

Lab Interface

Inactive permission that doesn’t serve a purpose

Licensed to sign lab orders

User can sign-off on selected lab results

Allowed to Delete Orphan Labs

User has ability to delete results from the “Orphans” sub-label

Allowed to Delete and Un-Assign Lab Results from patient chart

User has the option to delete and un-assign lab results from the patient chart

View Labs Pending Signatures

User can read pending lab results, but is unable to sign


Forms Admin

Grants user ability to grant other users Forms permissions.

Allowed to Unlock Forms

User can unlock any locked form via the Menu button in the chart → Unlock Form:

or in the first section of the locked form:

Allowed to see Unlock Forms

User can see their own “Unlocked Forms” in Left Panel → Case Load → Unlocked Forms. User will appear in the dropdown to unlock form for.

Extended Healthcare Team member

Two use cases:

  1. “Can be assigned as” are hard-coded and cannot be changed/removed. If a user is selected with the “Can be assigned as”, then that user will be part of the drop-down for Case Load Tracker.

  2. List of Values → Extended Healthcare Team Member are for any additional healthcare team members needed for split program.

    1. If you are using split-program, you need to create a Primary Counselor LOV

    2. You will not be assigning therapists in their User Specific permissions “Can be assigned as therapist”, but in the Extended Healthcare Team member option “Primary Counselor”.

Left Menu Bar

Access Schedule

Access to “Calendar” in the Left-Panel

Access Form Folder Admin

Access to “Form Folder Admin” in the Left-Panel

Create Group Notes

Access to “Group Notes” in the Left-Panel

Shift Reports

Access to “Shift Reports” in the Left-Panel


Access to “Reports” in the Left-Panel

Allowed to add patients/admissions

Access to “New Patient” in the Left-Panel

Access FoRSE Report

Access to “FoRSE Report” in the Left-Panel

Case Load

Access Only Case Load

In Left-Panel → Case Load, the user will not see “Patients by…”. The user will only be able to see their own case load.


Alumni Enrollment Admin

User is able to access in Left Panel → Alumni:

  • Patients to Enroll

  • Enrollment Report

  • Attempt Schedule Config

  • Alumni Attempts Color Config

  • Alumni Dashboard

Access Alumni Enrollment

User can access Alumni → Enrollments to complete alumni attempts.

Access to Alumni Report

User is able to access Alumni Report in Reports

Systems Emails Config

Email refers to the user’s email that they use to log into Sunwave. Make sure the email in this text area matches the email that the user is created with for Sunwave.

Email SMTP Server will depend on what you use for your email client. We most often see:

  • Microsoft Outlook: smtp.office365.com

  • Google Mail: smtp.gmail.com

If you have a different email server, you will need to find out your SMTP via your email provider.


Admin Billing

Grants user ability to grant other users Billing permissions

Access Billing

Permission to view the RCM module

Edit Claims

In the paper-pencil icon, the user can edit a claim

Can Void Claims

In the paper-pencil icon, the user can void a claim

Edit Locked Payments

If a payment is locked, the user can uncheck the locked payment and make edits

Can see late payment alerts

The user will see an alert/notification in the patient’s header, of a late payment

Can allocate payments

Grants the user ability to see claims and post

Can Refund Card Payment

Grants the user the ability to see a refund option where payments are posted (in Manage EOBs)

Is UR Reviewer

User will be visible in the dropdown for UR Reviewer in the “Insurance Authorization” form

Claim Comments (Read only)

User can only read claim comments

Claim Comments [User can edit/delete their own comments (User level)]

User can only edit/delete their own claim comments

Claim Comments [Can edit delete any comment (Admin Level)]

User can edit/delete any claim comments


Admin CRM

Grants user ability to grant other users CRM permissions.

Access CRM

Grants user access to Left Panel → CRM and adds Workflow to the user’s Dashboard

View Financial Details

In the Opportunity Chart → Prior Admissions, the user will be able to access Financial Details

Can Recall Opportunities

Recall an active patient chart (“Admitted”) back to “Active” in opportunity outcome.

Is Admissions Representative

The user will be part of the Admission Rep dropdown in the Opportunity Chart.

User can only see own opportunities

In the “Opportunities” dashboard, the user is limited to see only their own opportunities that have them as the assigned “Admissions Representative”

Patient Diagnosis

No Access

User will be unable to see Diagnosis tab in the patient header and unable to see Diagnosis in the Menu button

Read Only

User can see Diagnosis tab in the patient header and able to see the diagnosis in the Menu button


User can see Diagnosis tab in the patient header and able to add diagnoses through the Menu button

Order Diagnosis

User will appear in the dropdown for the “Order By” Diagnosis

Can Delete Diagnosis Codes

User can delete diagnoses in the patient chart via the Menu button


No Access

User will not see “Census” in the left-panel

Read Only

User can see “Census” in the left-panel


User manage services in the “Census” in the left-panel

Intake Process

No Access

User will not see “Intake Process” in the left-panel

Read Only

User can see forms in the “Intake Process” in the left-panel by clicking on the form names.


User can see and create forms in the “Intake Process” in the left-panel by clicking on the form names.


Can only order meds under his/her name

Provider is restricted from ordering medications under another Provider’s name

Licensed to sign prescriptions

Provider will sign off on ordered medications from the “Current Medications” form.

Allowed to delete MAR entries

User has ability to delete a medication that has been observed/administered in the MAR form

Can approve narcotics

For the highest-level physician to order/approve narcotics and requires a DEA # in their User Profile

Access Protocol Manager

Grants user ability to use medication templates (regular, PRN, taper templates) and save protocols listed under “Current Medications” form when the user clicks “Create Order”

Adjust and Reconcile Medication Inventories

Grants user ability to reconcile ordered medications vs received medications in the Medication Inventory and patient chart.


Is Telehealth Users Admin

Grants user ability to grant other users Telehealth permissions.

Enable Telehealth

User will see Telehealth in the left-panel. User will be part of the dropdown as Moderator when creating and scheduling a Calendar Session with Telehealth.


No Access

User cannot see the Q timing in the patient header, unable to manage Q timing for the patient, and unable to document Qs.

Read Only

User can see the Q timing in the patient header, but unable to manage Q timing for the patient and cannot document Qs.

Read & Document Q’s

User can see the Q timing in the patient header and able to document Qs, but unable to manage the Q timing.


User can manage the Q timing in the patient header and document Qs.

Form Approval Roles

Once you have setup the forms that require a higher-level signature, assign the user to that Form Approval Role to ensure the forms are going to their queue to sign-off on.

Ex. Heather is a Clinical Director. Ensure you are assigning Heather the “Clinical Provider/Director” Form Approval Role in her User Profile so that any Clinical forms that require sign-off will go to her Queue.


This is setup via Practice Setup → Roles. This dictates wha type of access the User will have access to.

Service Facility and Billing Facility Access

This is setup via Practice Setup → Service Facility and Billing Facility. This will dictate what information your user will have access to.


If your facility requires departments where Team A is signed off by Clinician A and Team B is signed off by Clinician B, then ensure you’re assigning the user to the correct Department with their respective supervisor.


An internal memo amongst Admins to communicate any notes regarding the User’s Permissions.

Restricted Patients

If the permission “Can see restricted patients” is selected, but you’d like to dial down the permission to disallow access to specific patient(s).

Access to Restricted Patients

If the permission “Can access restricted patients” is NOT selected, you can add access for the restricted patients without this permission

Allowed Patients

If the permission “Can access only allowed patients” is selected, it will remove access to all patients, but allows access to specific patients listed.

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