Realm Access- New User

Realm Access- New User

This article is for users with Admin access in their user profile who will be tasked with giving access to users in their system.

  • In order to give access to a realm to a new user you will go to the left menu and find Practice Setup

  • Under Practice Setup you will select USERS

  • You will be asked for your password to enter this part of the system.

  • Select the green NEW USER button in the top right corner.


  • You will be prompted to enter the email address for your new user. A user is identified in the system by their email address, if a user’s email address changes you will need to delete the old user and create a new user with the new email.


  • Under the email address is a checkbox that will allow you to copy the permissions of another user in your system. Therefore, if you are entering multiple users with the same role ie. clinicians, you can copy the permission from someone with the same access.


Realm Access- Existing User

This is a guide to adding an existing user to other realms.

  • Go to the Realm the User currently has access to.

  • Navigate to Practice Setup in the left menu bar and select Users in the realm the user has access to.

  • Find the user in the list of users.

  • Select that user.

  • When the user box opens you will see in the top right hand corner ACCESS to REALMS

  • Click on the Access to Realms button


  • Here you can select the realm you want to grant access to for your user.


  • You will be asked to confirm you want to give access to the realm you are adding


  • You will then select the tab for the new realm you added to the User’s profile.


  • You can copy the permissions in a Users profile from another realm they have access to.

  • You must remember to assign a role and give access to a service facility.

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