Facility Reports | |
Active Census | Quick glance of all active census information such as referral source, admit/discharge date, LOS, gender, birth date, insurance, auth codes, diagnosis codes, etc. |
Avg LOS | Showing the average length of stay by Level of Care of the patients that completed the level of care in the month |
Program Census | Number of patients that are in a program broken down by days in the month |
Dynamic Census | Similar to active census, but can filter out specific information to pull into report |
Active Patients | Shows how many active patients there are in the month. Provides LOS in days and insurance information |
LOC Census | Shows entire month's LOC census broken down by days for all services facilities, or one-by-one |
LOC Report | Patient name, service facility, MRI that was assigned and previous LOC if applicable |
Programs Report | Program performance in a facility; will show clients assigned from one program to another |
Alumni Reports | Date range filters all patients that have discharged from facility. Ability to see past chart, counselor, and referral (if applicable). Labels can be created if you'd want to label your alumni. Available only with Alumni module |
Program Census | Total of patients per program per day, by month; displayed for all facilities and per facility |
Urgent Alert Report | All urgent alerts that were created in the system. Ability to see status of alerts and filter by patient. |
Unassigned Patients Group Report | Shows active patients that are not currently assigned to any group session. |
Missing Active Authorization | From Insurance Authorization form. If the current day is missing an authorization from insurance, patients will appear in this list to correct. Self-pay patients still show in this report. To remove self-pay, create an insurance authorization. Start and end doesn't matter, as there's no insurance. |
Form Reports | |
Signatures Audit | after selecting dates and form, able to pull all forms opened in the system for patients. Includes insurance information for the patients. |
Services Audit | after selecting dates and form, able to pull all forms opened in the system for patients. Includes insurance information for the patients. |
Assessment Report | List of assessments, able to choose filter bubbles for report. Shows answer with no score. |
Assessment Score Report | List of assessments, able to choose filter bubbles for report. Shows answer with score. |
Reportable Checkboxes | Checkboxes within a form can be reportable, but would need to be configured per facility's needs Needs to be setup with your Sunwave representative |
Advanced Audit | Able to select from all forms in the system for all active patients. Forms with dates ONLY means that the form was generated, never signed. Green highlighted dates indicates a user signature. Black border indicates a higher level signature. Green border indicates a patient signature. |
Custom Fields | Under a forms text area you can enter a reportable field. This report allows you to run a report on these created fields. Needs to be setup with your Sunwave representative |
Billing Reports | |
UR Report | Static Report Run by All Active, Current Month, Last Month or specific dates. Shows insurance information such as Auth Code, Auth Dates, Number of Visits, Next Review, Auth Until, Auth Comments and more. Exportable |
UR Peer Review | Run by Created On/Resolved On. Shows status of Peer-to-Peer Reviews with comments and resolution. Exportable |
Auth Days Report | Run by Admission Date, Authorization State Date, Discharge Date or Next Review Date. Filters out time frame and claim status. Exportable |
Termed Insurance | Report for Termed Insurance. Shows insurance active days. Available only with RCM module |
Posting Report | Run by posting or deposit date. Pulls all payments posted within the selected time frame, and by whom. Detailed report of the claim/check/payment breakdown. Cannot be changed or altered. Exportable Available only with RCM module |
Manage Denials | Connects from posting status. Report that allows you to work on denials specifically. Any changes made in this report are only trackable via this report. Claim ID hyperlink will allow you to make changes to the denial status and make notes. |
Claims Submission | Run by date of service or date of submission. Filters out time frame and claim status. Any data pulled from this screen is downloadable to excel. |
Time to Collect | This report shows how many claims are receiving a response within the specific schedules. In the first line, it shows the total number of claims that received a payment from the insurance providers in 0-30 days, 31-60 days, and so on. The second line calculates the percentage of claims that are receiving payments for each one of the specified schedules. The third row shows the number of claims that were denied. The fourth row indicates the percentages for the prior line. The last 2 rows show the total number of claims (line 2 plus line 3) and their respective percentages. Specific to the realm you are in. |
Manage Paid to Patient | Connects from posting status. Report that allows you to work on P2P specifically. Any changes made in this report are only trackable via this report. Claim ID hyperlink will allow you to make changes to the denial status and make notes. |
Unbilled Report | *Please note this is intended for Inpatient Services. Run by Active, Admitted or Discharged patients. Based off Billing Facility. Will show how long a patient was active within the realm (Billable Days) and how many days were billed (ex: Patient is in Residential and was there for 15 days but only 12 were billed we have 3 days that should have been billed since Res is billed everyday). Exportable Available only with RCM module |
KPI Report | Must be set up manually in Practice Set Up > Beds for KPI and Expenses for KPI. The information needs to have YYYYMM with the total for each (this is the one area with a save option in the upper right corner). Once entered, the system will automatically pull when clicking the play/run option in the KPI report. Strict to the realm you are pulling in. Available only with RCM module |
Unallocated Report | Run by Check Date/Deposit Date. Can sort by payment type. Will show any payment that was placed into the system but not allocated to completion. You can access the payments and complete allocation here as well. Specific to the realm you are in. Exportable Available only with RCM module |
Clearing House Report | Shows all communication from the clearing house/transaction history of all submitted claims and its summaries. Available only with RCM module |
Dynamic Reports | Based on date of service or last submission. Pulls limited RCM information. Pulls from EMR CRM and RCM (no in-depth payment information). Pulls for all realms. Drag and drop fields can be brought to the top (column) or right side (rows). Updates as you pull. Exportable Savable Available only with RCM module |
Ad-Hoc Report | Based on either date of service, date of first submission, or date of last submission. Dimensions go in the columns and rows only. Measurements go with measurements. You can scroll through Dimensions/Measurements or use the search bar. Information is pulled from CRM EMR and RCM. This report connects to all realms. All fields drag and drop into the Columns Rows or Dimensions. When putting in an additional dimension/measurement after it has already been pulled, it needs to be reran with new data. Exportable Savable Available only with RCM module |
Potential Revenue Report | Run by service dates. Must select the timeframe and always hit search to pull. Provides the potential payments you should receive based off the percentages from previous collections (this is a potential, not actual). Exportable Strict to the realm you are pulling in. Available only with RCM module |
Payments Report | Based off of payment date or deposit date. Pulls from each individual line posted, including claim information. Pulls payment header information. Variance is the total from header of payment, not individual. Strict to the realm you are pulling in. Exportable Savable Available only with RCM module |
Aging Reports | Run by date of service or date of admission. Strict to realm you are in. Can pull Insurance or Patient Responsibility. Can sort by Insurance Financial Class or Patient Name. Pulls outstanding buckets by how long outstanding (0-30, 31-60, etc.). You can click on each number in the buckets to see what patients make up that number. Exportable Available only with RCM module |
Collections Report (or Collectors Desk) | Run by date of submission or date of service. Ability to filter by Assigned User/Collector. Report on where the collections team can review claims cycle and create follow-ups. Insurance provider list will appear with the open balance. You can click on the payer name and all claims with a balance (within the selected filters) will open on the bottom, detailing the claim data with the ability to add comments, follow ups, and labels. Follow ups are managed in the Task’s tab where the collector can work from a list of follow ups assigned per date. Labels are visible. Available only with RCM module |
Collections Tracker Report | Search by Due Date/ Created Date/ DOS filter dates. Pulls follow-up notes and note details created by the user. Does not pull claim comments. Buildable report based on claim data, collection data, and collector assigned. Available only with RCM module |
Charges Report | Filter date required. Static report. Pulls claim data, such as collection status and first submitted date. Exportable Available only with RCM module |
AR Report | Based on date of service only. Pulls claim information and full payment information. You can click on claim/remit numbers for visibility. Filter options are available, switch from basic to advanced in the upper left-hand corner. You can add multiple requirements to filter information by claim, payment or payment header (Ex: Looking at BCBS with $100.00 payments or status of Patient Responsibility, you would add 3 requirements with this information). Strict to the realm you are pulling in. Exportable Savable Available only with RCM module |
User Reports | |
Active Users | Shows total number of active users in the system for the month |
Master User Report | The Master User Report is quick reference of all of the Active user's within your realm. Good tool to see how many licenses you have assigned. |
User Reports | Ability to pull all permissions in the User Permissions to see if the permission is assigned to users without going into each individual user. |
User Audit Report | Located at the top-right, half-person icon near your facility logo Can only be used for a date range of less than 7 days. Shows all activity done within a patient's chart with date- and time-stamp. Doesn't show exact activity details, only shows activity. |
Medication Reports | |
Expired Meds Report | Displays all medications that expire for a single-day. Report will show med name, patient name, med comments, start date, etc. |
Meds Report | Provides a list of all medications ordered and allows for a further breakdown including med, dose, duration, status, refills, etc. |
Ordered Meds | When medications are ordered, users must go to ordered medications report to acknowledge the medication prior to it going into the MARS |
Abnormal Vitals Report | Displays a list of patients with abnormal vitals that have been entered within the vitals form |
Census Reports | |
ICD10 & Auth | Run by service dates. Must select the timeframe and always hit search to pull. Exportable |
Billable Report | Run by service dates. Must select the timeframe and always hit search to pull. Pulls services (forms) that are marked billable for both signed and unsigned notes. |
Revenue Recognition | Run by service dates. Must select the timeframe and always hit search to pull. Pulls the selected services on the census and charges associated for that service, along with claim number and claim status. Available only with RCM module |
LOC Billing Census | Run by service dates. Must select the timeframe and always hit search to pull. Pulls expected amount. Pulls claim status. Available only with RCM module |
RCopia Reports
When providers would like to pull a report of the prescriptions they’ve sent via RCopia, they can follow the steps below. It is important to note that if prescribers are on E-Rx 1.0 the MUST document in both Sunwave and RCopia. Check to see if templates have been built. If not, and the client is using E-Rx, they are on version 1.
Go to the RCopia dashboard.
Click Patient Info and open Reports.
Select the pharmacy, date range and provider name.
Here they will see the list of patients they've prescribed for and the medications prescribed.
Once the 2.0 version of E-Rx is activated (48-72 hours is the typical turnaround time from RCopia), orders from this portal will show up in Sunwave. Once active, reports can be run from Sunwave and RCopia.