How to Export a Form

How to Export a Form

This article is helpful for users who need to print or export a form such as for medical records, Utilization Review, or providing a copy of medical documentation to the patient or client.



Export the Form

  1. Enter the patient’s chart for whom you want to pull a form.

  1. Click on the tab where the needed form is and then highlight that form.

  1. Next, click on Menu button in upper left of the screen and select “Export Current Form” in the drop-down.

  1. In the pop-up that appears, there are several options to choose from depending on the needs. It is advised to select at least “Include Patient Header”. When selections are completed, click Generate in the bottom right corner.



Generated Files

  1. After you click Generate, a smaller pop-up window will appear, stating that your document is being generated. There is a blue hyperlink in this pop-up window that will take you to where your generated file is.

  1. You can also access your generated files by going to “Generated Files” in the left menu.




  1. If you have faxing capabilities within Sunwave, you can fax your generated form by clicking the paper airplane icon on the right (step 1), then a pop up screen will appear where you can enter the fax number (2), then click Next at the Bottom right.

  1. A pop-up window will appear with Fax Cover Page information that one may choose to complete and click on “Send with Cover Page”, OR do not complete this form and click on “Skip Cover Page and Send”. Once you are done with a generated form, you can delete them using the trash can icon on the far right.



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