Managing Telehealth Group Sessions

Managing Telehealth Group Sessions

Scheduled Group Sessions will be configured in advance by the Sunwave Implementation Team. Each Scheduled Group Session will be assigned a Group Facilitator.

This document provides and overview of the following topics:

View Schedule Group Sessions Assigned to Group Facilitator

If a Sunwave User is assigned as a Group Facilitator, that Scheduled Group Session will automatically appear on their User Calendar.

To view Schedule Group Sessions assigned to a Group Facilitator:

  • Go to Calendars.

  • Click User in the banner at the top:


  • Click Change User, search for and select the Group Facilitator user name, then click Add:


  • Scheduled Group Sessions where the selected user is assigned as Group Facilitator will be displayed on the calendar:


Add or Remove Patient from Scheduled Group Sessions

To add or remove a patient from a Scheduled Group Session:

  • From Search Patients, open the patient chart.

  • Go to Demographics > Outpatient Group Schedule:


  • The patient’s calendar will be displayed:


    • Scheduled Group Sessions the patient is already assigned to appear in full color.

    • Scheduled Group Sessions the patient is NOT assigned to appear greyed out.

  • To add a patient to a Scheduled Group Session:

    • Click on the Scheduled Group Session you want to add them to.

    • For example, clicking on the ‘Denver IOP Day: Deb’ session on Monday at 1:00pm in the screenshot above would add the patient and display in full color on the calendar:


      • NOTE: Since a patient cannot be in two Scheduled Group Sessions at the same time, it automatically removed them from the ‘Denver IOP Day: Bree’.

  • To remove a patient from a Scheduled Group Session:

    • Click on the highlighted Scheduled Group Session.

    • For example, clicking on the ‘Denver IOP Day: Deb’ session on Monday at 1:00pm from the previous example will now remove the patient from the Scheduled Group Session:

Configuring Email Settings

For a Sunwave Users such as the Group Facilitator to send email notifications to patients, they will need to first configure their email settings under their User Profile:

  • Click the dropdown next to the User Profile icon in the top-right, then select User Profile:


  • Under User Email Authentication Setup, select the appropriate Email Service Authentication type:


    • For customers using Gmail or Microsoft Outlook, it is highly recommended to use the OAuth2 authentication type.

      • After selecting the appropriate OAuth2 type, click Log In.

      • Upon successfully logging in, you will see a message indicating the user is logged in:


      • Optionally, you can enter an email address and click the Send Test Email button to confirm your connection is properly configured.

    • If using the Login and Password authentication type, enter your Email, Email Password, and the Email SMTP Server.

  • After configuring email, click the Update button to save your changes.

Sending Calendar Notifications with Telehealth Links (Zoom)

To send email notifications to all or some patients assigned to a Scheduled Group Session:

  • Click to Calendars using the left menu.

  • Click User, then Change User.

  • Search for and select the Group Facilitator user name, then click Add.

  • Click on the Scheduled Group Session you wish to send email notifications.

  • Scheduled Group Sessions where the selected user is assigned as Group Facilitator will be displayed on the calendar:


  • Click Send Email to Patients:


    • By default, all patients assigned to the Scheduled Group Session will be included in the bulk email.

    • To send email notifications to a subset of patients, click the Remove button next to any patients you wish to exclude from the bulk email.

  • Fill out the body of the email including a Zoom link for patients to join, then click Send Email.

NOTE: Each patient will receive an individual email, no patients will see the email addresses of other patients attending the Scheduled Group Session.



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