How to Build Multi-Column Assessments in Form Builder

How to Build Multi-Column Assessments in Form Builder

This article is helpful for users who wish to build a multicolumn assessment form in form builder.

Creating the Assessment

Create a new form or open existing form to add multicolumn assessment.

  1. To create a new form, see How to Open/Create a New Form. Once created, continue to step 2;

  2. Search for a form either by name or ID and click on the paper icon to open.

  1. Start building form by clicking on “Add Section”.

  1. Name section and number of columns. Click Add.

  1. Click Action and choose Add Multicolumn Assessment.

  1. Name Assessment. Add number of columns . Can be 4 or 6.

  1. Building Assessment:

  • Click + Add Questions.

  • Click + Add, Answer Option within the question box for multiple answers.

  1. Click Save at top of the form.


Sample of completed assessment in client chart:



Be sure to save your work often.


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