FoRSE Integration Customer Guide

FoRSE Integration Customer Guide


We are excited to announce a new feature in our Sunwave platform, in partnership with the NAATP Foundation for Recovery Science and Education (FoRSE). This collaboration is a crucial step towards enhancing the quality of care for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatments by providing key data for the national Addiction Treatment Outcomes Program.

FoRSE's mission is to improve understanding of the effectiveness of SUD treatment pathways. To achieve this, they are aggregating data collected from clients by a diverse set of providers. In line with this, Sunwave has integrated FoRSE into its platform, creating a seamless way for our customers to contribute to this critical initiative. Through Sunwave, survey results from standardized FoRSE forms are automatically submitted to the project, helping build a more comprehensive understanding of addiction treatments.

For more detailed information about FoRSE and its initiatives, refer to the NAATP FoRSE webpage.

How Sunwave Supports FoRSE

Sunwave's integration with FoRSE means you can directly contribute to this national effort to improve addiction treatments. Our platform has been designed to ensure a seamless transition, making it effortless to participate in FoRSE.

Enabling FoRSE in Sunwave is a straightforward process. The platform is configured to facilitate the automatic submission of FoRSE forms. It's as simple as creating a FoRSE form within Sunwave, and the system takes care of the rest. Sunwave ensures your participation in FoRSE is smooth, efficient, and unobtrusive to your usual workflow.

FoRSE Forms

FoRSE forms within the Sunwave platform are pre-created and can be quickly activated for use. Our Customer SuccessThese forms are standardized and are not editable, maintaining the integrity of the data submitted to FoRSE. Important forms such as the "FoRSE Demographic Information Form" and "FoRSE Admit Survey" need to be completed for the system to send any assessment forms and the FoRSE Discharge Survey form to FoRSE.

How to create a FoRSE form:

  1. Go to Forms Builder and click + NEW FORM. Here, you'll find a flag labeled "Is FoRSE Form", make sure to check this.

  2. Once you’ve checked the box labeled "Is FoRSE Form" a dropdown will appear containing all the FoRSE forms. Note, FoRSE forms are pre-created and are not editable due to the requirement of submitting the answers electronically to FoRSE.

  3. Select the FoRSE form you want to add from the dropdown. The Name and Parent Tab will auto-populate based on your selection, but can be edited as needed.

  4. Check the following recommended flags (strongly encouraged):

    • Is included in the patient chart

    • Multiple Instances Per Admission (n-Form)

      • Note: Only enable n-Form for assessment forms (not for the Demographics, Admit, or Discharge forms).

    • Include in Patient Engagement

      • Note: If the customer intends to send via Patient Engagement, ensure that this functionality is also enabled

    • Published

    • Include signature Section > then check User Signature

    • Can be locked


  5. Enter the desired number in the Sequence field. We recommend having FoRSE forms displayed under the Parent Tab with the "FoRSE Demographic Information Form" and "FoRSE Admit Survey" as the first two. However, this arrangement is optional.

  6. Click Add to create the form.

Note that there are no required answers for any of the forms/assessments and no patient signature is required by FoRSE.

Step 2.5: Adding FoRSE Forms to Intake Process and Assigning Permissions

  1. After completing Step 2, navigate to "Form Sets" in the left navigation bar. We recommend adding FoRSE forms to the EMR, but you may also want to add them to the CRM, and/or Alumni modules depending on your needs.

  2. Select the module (EMR, CRM, or Alumni) where you want to add the FoRSE forms, then scroll down to the "Available Forms" section at the bottom of the page.

  3. Drag and drop all the FoRSE forms you added from the "Available Forms" section into the "Forms in Set" section.



  1. For the Intake Process module, it's important to add only the "FoRSE Demographic Information Form" and "FoRSE Admit Survey" forms. These two forms MUST be completed in order for any assessment forms and for the FoRSE Discharge Survey form to be sent to FoRSE.

  2. With the FoRSE forms now added to your desired Form Sets, the next step is to assign permissions based on user roles. To do this, navigate to "Practice Setup > Roles" in the left navigation bar and choose the role(s) that should have access to the FoRSE forms.

  3. Scroll down until you see the FoRSE forms, where you'll notice the "No Access" option is currently selected. Adjust this as needed to "Read Only" or "Read and Write" according to the permissions required for each role.

  4. Once these steps are completed, you'll be able to view the new FoRSE forms tab within the patient chart, and within the CRM and/or Alumni modules if you added them there as well.

Step 3: Access FoRSE Reports

You can track the completion and submission of FoRSE forms through Sunwave's built-in reports. These reports provide you with an overview of which forms have been completed, if they've been sent to FoRSE, or if they're on hold. Moreover, the reports also contain detailed information about each form, including which patient the form was completed for, the name of the form, the service facility, the service date, when it was sent (if sent), when it was last updated, and the contents of the form (the answers).

It's worth noting that FoRSE forms are sent nightly automatically, so there's no additional action required from you to send the completed forms to FoRSE.

  1. To access the FoRSE Reports the user needs permission. Go to Practice Setup > Users. Then select the User, go to the Left Menu Bar menu and check the Access FoRSE Report box.

  2. Go to Reports > FoRSE Reports. This report provides a table where you can track what forms have been completed and if they have been sent to FoRSE or are on Hold. The table displays information about each individual form such as which patient the form was completed for, the name of the form, the service facility, the service date, when it was sent (if sent), when it was last updated, and the contents of the form (the answers).

  3. Above the table, you can filter Search Based on Service Date or Sent On Date. Depending on which is selected, the 'From To' dates will be pulling based on that criteria.

    You also have the option to filter by 'Service Facility'.


    Remember to click the 'Search' button after applying a filter.

  4. If a form appears as 'On Hold', it indicates that the patient's 'Demographics' and/or 'Admit Survey' forms are yet to be completed.

    As mentioned before, both of these forms MUST be completed for any other forms to be sent. Once these are completed, the forms that are on Hold will be sent that night, so the User can check the next day to confirm that.

Remember, FoRSE forms are sent nightly automatically, so there is no "Send" button or action required from the User to send the completed forms to FoRSE.

Please note: We are working on adding a feature to report on all forms, similar to how the Assessment Score Report works.

Conclusion and Continued Support

This enhancement to our Sunwave platform, in collaboration with FoRSE, is part of our commitment to supporting the delivery of high-quality SUD treatment. The seamless integration ensures you can easily contribute to this ground-breaking initiative. As always, we will keep you updated with any new features or changes to the FoRSE integration in Sunwave. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team.