RCM - How to Add Procedure Codes/ CPT Codes

RCM - How to Add Procedure Codes/ CPT Codes

Click on Master Data then click on Procedure Codes:
Once in the Procedure Codes (there may be some already in your procedure code bank) you can add a New Procedure Code by clicking on the + New Procedure Code option in the upper right hand corner, if you are loading a list of Codes from a CSV file you can select the carrot icon to the right of New Procedure Code which will display a drop down for the import option:

When adding in a single procedure code (not import) the following screen will appear:

Required fields are Code, Description, Units and Billing Facility.

  • Code – the is the code showing on the claim forms, both UB and 1500. Example: 90791 goes into the code option for the code being utilized

  • Description - this will not show up on the claim form itself, this description will be used as a way to identify your code in the Managed Services drop down when selecting the CPT code that belongs on the claim form. You can label it something that will allow you to know what the code is.

  • Units – the number placed here multiplies into the pricing in the Manage Services 1 Unit for a price of $100 means this will bill out $100 on the claim form. If someone is billing in 15 minute increments each 15 minutes is one unit so if $100 is for a full hour (4 units worth) you can make the price $25 and change the units to 4 which will bill out $100.

  • Modifiers – these boxes of 1-4 are on the 1500 form only. If you are billing with modifiers on a UB the modifier would go right next to the Code to show up on the claim.

  • NDC Information – this again is specific to the 1500, this applies mainly to injectables like Vivitrol

  • Billing Facility – this is required to be selected to save at least one. If you have multiple billing facilities, you can apply it to multiple billing facilities if the code is billed through each billing facility:

Once added the code will appear in the list:

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