How To - Posting Insurance Claim Payment

How To - Posting Insurance Claim Payment

How to Posting

Once you have received your EOB you will go to the Billing tab and click on Manage EOBS:

Once in the Manage EOB section (if posting from an Insurance EOB) click on New Remit in the upper right hand corner:


The following fields are required to be filled out:

  • Billing Facility, Payer Name (Insurance co.)

  • Amount (this is the amount on the check)

  • Payment Date (this would be the check date or date received depending on how you are posting)

  • Check Number (not a required field but is reportable)

  • Deposit Date (not a required field but is reportable)

  • Other Ref. number (this is not required but is reportable)


Once completed click on Next: Allocate Claims in the bottom right hand corner:

In the next screen you will be able to apply the amount to specific patients and dates of service, you will scroll down and see the Claims section with Patient Name or Last Name with a text field and “+” to begin typing:

You will place the clients name in the text field and click the “+” to find all claims associated with the client:


There are Claim ID’s (this is the ID for the entire claim if there are multiple line items), and Claim Line ID (a specific ID for each line item). You can choose either the whole claim or just specific line items, once you have selected all of the items to post to they will appear back in the Manage EOB’s Remit section:


You can add multiple line items and multiple patients. The charged amount is the amount on that line item, the Open Balance is the current open balance on the claim (this will show if anything was posted previously on that line item, you are able to click on the amount and see the previous payments):


You have the Allowed Amount this is the amount allowed for that line item, Adjusted is the amount you are adjusting off (this removes an amount and won’t apply to patient responsibility) Adj Reason this is a free text field where you can write anything to explain the adjustment, Paid this is what was paid by the insurance company to the facility, Copay this is what was applied to copay and will apply to patient responsibility, Coinsurance this is what was applied to coinsurance and will apply to patient responsibility, Deductible this is what was applied to deductible and will apply to patient responsibility, Patient Responsibility is a field just showing the actual Patient Responsibility Types there are 3:

  • PR – patient responsibility

  • Den – denied with a list of denied reasons that you choose

  • P2P- paid to patient you can place the amount paid to the patient and report on this,

Finally we have our Collection Status currently there are 4:

  • Closed

  • At Insurance

  • Patient Responsibility

  • Denied

Please note At Insurance and Denied are the only status’ that show up in the Collections Report, Patient Responsibility and Closed do not. Once completed please click OK and your item will be saved.


If posting from ERA, you will go to Billing then Manage EOBs:


When you see the New Remit button in the upper right hand corner you will click on the Triangle you will have a drop down of options click on From ERA:


When in the next section you will have a list of your available ERA’s (based on day) once you choose the ERA click the Add option on the bottom right hand corner. Please note to remember the Date of the Payment and once added you will search in the Manage EOB’s section the Insurance will be listed as Not Selected this will be your ERA, once selected the payment will automatically apply to each client but is still editable.

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