Census (Billing)

Census (Billing)

The Census shows the biller information on a week-to-week basis. Information provided is as follows:

  • The current daily active census (green shaded boxes)

  • Clinical level of care (the bars of color at the top of each day with wording)

  • current authorizations (grey bubbles)

  • Forms completion with time, if applicable (green for signed and red for unsigned)

  • If a service has been selected to be placed on a claim form (the N/A means no service is selected the red wording means it has been selected but has not been placed on a claim form and green wording means the service has been placed on a claim form).

Filter Option is a free text allowing you to type in items to filter out. Example, if you type in Aetna it will filter out showing only Aetna patients, or if you want to see a specific person you can type in their name and it will only show them:
You will see under the filter option there is a Hide Clinical LOC radio button. When green it will show the Clinical LOC the patient is in (the colored bars with LOC wording), when it is grey/white stating Show Clinical LOC it will hide the colored bars in each day that represent the LOC they were in for that day:

Service Facility will default to all (remember if the user only has access to a specific location(s) it will only show them the location(s) they have access to). This will show for all locations available with all patients to bill for. If you select a Service Facility, it will filter out the patients that are not in the Service Facility selected:

The LOC checkboxes at the top of the census tell us, when selected, what Clinical LOC we are presenting on the census by deselecting any LOC it will filter out those patients:

There are two options in the upper right-hand corner that reads, Show All Patients or Show only patients with billable forms. It will default to show all patients which will include those who have not received any services (billable forms) when you select the show only patients with billable forms it will remove vision of the patients without any billable forms.
The census will default to the current day/week. The Go To Date will pull the view of the week where the date falls, you can either place in the date and select Go or you can look at the previous week by selecting the Prev option or Next option for the following week:

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