Upgrading from E-prescribe to E-prescribe Phase 2

Upgrading from E-prescribe to E-prescribe Phase 2

To upgrade a customer from E-prescribe to E-prescribe Phase 2, you will complete the following tasks:

  1. Capture the details for existing Protocols, PRN Templates, and Regular Order Templates defined in Sunwave in an Excel template.

  2. Have Customer fill out the details of the Excel template based on how they want medications to display in Sunwave.

  3. Enable E-prescribe Phase 2 in Manage Realms.

  4. Update all PRN Templates to use Dr. First medication names and conventions.

  5. Update all Taper Templates to use Dr. First medication names and conventions.

  6. Update all Regular Orders to use Dr. First medication names and conventions.

  7. Delete existing Protocols and instruct the Customer that they will need to have their medical team rebuild them.

Table of Contents


Capture Existing Protocols

When a medication is modified in Sunwave, it is automatically removed from any existing Protocols defined. For this reason, Customers will need to have their medical team rebuild their Protocols after the migration to E-prescribe Phase 2 is complete. This section describes a recommendation for capturing the customer’s existing Protocols as a checklist for when they need to rebuild them.

  • In customer’s realm, go to Current Medications for a test patient.

  • Click Create Order.

  • Select a protocol:


  • Scroll to the bottom of the medication list and select text from the end of the medication list (bottom right):


  • To the beginning of the medication list (left of the checkbox on the first medication):


  • Copy and paste the select text into a new Excel Workbook.

  • Rename the worksheet to the name of the Protocol you copied and save your workbook:


  • Repeat these steps for ALL protocols defined, creating a new worksheet for each protocol:


  • Save the Excel workbook, you will provide this to the Customer’s medical team as a reference for rebuilding their protocols when the migration to E-prescribe Phase 2 is complete.

Capture PRN Templates

  • Go to Practice Setup > PRN Templates.

  • Copy the lists of PRN templates:


  • Paste them into a new worksheet in your Excel file called PRN Templates:


  • Add columns to the right for Dr. First Name, Dose, Dose Unit, Action, Total and Total Unit:


    • These columns will need to be filled out by the customer based on how they would like medication orders to display within Sunwave.

  • Save your Excel workbook.

Capture Regular Order Templates

  • Go to Practice Setup > Regular Templates.

  • Copy the lists of Regular templates:


  • Create a new worksheet in your Excel file called Regular Templates.

  • Select the first cell, then click Edit > Paste Special.

  • Select the ‘Text’ option and click OK:

  • Add columns to the right for Dr. First Name, Dose, Dose Unit, Action, Total and Total Unit:


    • These columns will need to be filled out by the customer based on how they would like medication orders to display within Sunwave.

  • Save your Excel workbook.

Have Customer Complete Excel Template

Provide the Excel template created in the previous sections. The customer will need to fill in the Dr. First Name, Dose, Dose Unit, Action, Total and Total Unit values for each medication in their PRN Templates and Regular Templates.

Example Excel Template:

To lookup the Dr. First Name :

  • Implementation team will ensure customer’s users are setup in Rcopia and E-prescribe 2 is enabled on the realm.

  • In Sunwave, users will go to a test user’s chart.

    • Ensure they have full address, gender and insurance provider specified in Face Sheet > Demographics.

  • Go to Current Medications, click Create Order.

  • Click Custom Orders > Regular Order.

  • Click on the blue Edit button next to medication.

  • Enter a string and click Search to fine the medication name:


  • Copy and Paste the medication name into the spreadsheet:

For Dose and Dose Unit, Customers can choose one of the following conventions:

  • Provide a quantity (i.e 1, 2, 3) for Dose and the unit type (i.e. tablet, capsule, etc.) for the Dose Unit, for example:

    • NOTE: This is the recommended format for Customers who plan to use Sunwave’s medication inventory.

  • Provide the dose amount for Dose and the unit of measure (i.e. mg, mL) for the Dose Unit, for example:

    • NOTE: Using this convention, the person administering has to interpret that they need to administer 2 500mg tables to achieve the desired dose.

  • For Action values, customers must choose one of the following supported values:
    Take, Use, Administer, Apply, Chew, Dissolve, Douche with, Drink, Hold, Implant, Inhale, Inject, Instill, Place, Shampoo with, Spray.

  • For Dose Unit and Total Unit, customers must use one of values supported by Dr. First:
    capsule, mg, ml, tablet, a small amount, ampul, applicator, applicatorful, as directed, bag, bead, bottle, caplet, cartridge, condoms, device, douche, drop, dropperful, enema, film, film strips, foam, gelcap, gram, gum, implant, inch, insert, kitpen, lancet, liberally, lollipop, lozenge, mask, mcg, meq, needle, ounce, pack, packet, pad, pastille, patch, tablespoon, pen injector, perle, piece, pledgette, puff, pump, scoop, spacer, spansule, spray, stick, strip, strips, suppository, swab, syringe, teaspoon, troche, tube, unit, vial

  • For Total and Total Unit, customers should follow the same convention used to specify Dose and Dose Unit, factoring in the Frequency and Duration.

    • For example, if this was once a day for 30 days, a PRN Template might look like:


    • Alternatively, they could specify this in terms of mg/ML and do the math (500mg times 30 days) and put 15000 in Total and mg in Total Unit.

Enable E-prescribe Phase 2

Note: The migration process could take several hours to complete. It should be completed during the least active times on the customer’s realm as they will not be able to order medications until the migration is complete.

To enable E-prescribe Phase 2:

  • Go to Master Data > Manage Realms.

  • Check the box next to the permission Enable E-Prescribe Phase 2:

Update PRN Templates

This section describes how to update PRN Templates to use Dr. First medication names and conventions.

To Update a PRN Template:

  • Go to Practice Setup > PRN Templates.

  • Click on the first PRN in the list to edit.

  • Based on the Excel template completed by the customer, click the Search button next to medication name:


  • Search for the corresponding medication name from the Dr. First list:


  • Select the corresponding medication, then click Select:


  • Enter the Dose and Dose Unit specified in the Excel template.

    • NOTE: When specifying the Dose Unit be sure to choose from the dropdown of supported values from Dr. First:


  • Select the Action specified in the Excel template (this is a new field):


  • Enter the Frequency, Route, and Duration.

  • Enter the Total and Total Unit specified in the Excel template.

  • Click the Update button to save your changes.

    • NOTE: Upon updating, the medication will immediately be removed from any protocols it was included in.

  • Repeat this process for each PRN Template defined on the realm.

Update Regular Order Templates

This section describes how to update Regular Order Templates to use Dr. First medication names and conventions.

To Update a Regular Order Template:

  • Go to Practice Setup > Regular Templates.

  • Click on the first Regular Order Template in the list to edit.

  • Based on the Excel template completed by the customer, click the Search button next to medication name.

  • Search for and select the corresponding medication from the Dr. First list, then click Select.

  • Enter the Dose and Dose Unit specified in the Excel template.

  • Select the Action specified in the Excel template.

  • Enter the Frequency, Route, and Duration specified in the Excel template.

  • Enter the Total and Total Unit specified in the Excel template.

  • Example of an updated Regular Order Template:

  • Click the Update button to save your changes.

    • NOTE: Upon updating, the medication will immediately be removed from any protocols it was included in.

  • Repeat this process for each Regular Order Template defined on the realm.

Update Taper Templates

This section describes how to update Taper Templates to use Dr. First conventions.

NOTE: You do NOT need to modify Taper names or existing Dose and Dose Units within Taper Schedules.

To update a Taper Template:

  • Go to Practice Setup > Taper Templates.

  • Click the Schedule button on the first Taper Template in the list:


    • Write down the following information to use later when updating the Dr. First data:

      • Dose and Dose Unit: 1 and mg in the example above.

      • Number of Days in the Schedule: 9 in the example above.

  • Click on the Rx button to edit the Dr. First Data.

  • Click the Search button next to medication name.

  • Search for and select the corresponding medication from the Dr. First list, then click Select:


  • For Dose and Dose Unit, you will use one of the following conventions based on the Customer’s preference (convention used in their completed Excel template for PRN and Regular Orders:

    • Enter a quantity (i.e 1, 2, 3) for Dose and the unit type (i.e. tablet, capsule, etc.) for the Dose Unit.

    • Enter the dose amount for Dose and the unit of measure (i.e. mg, mL) for the Dose Unit.

  • Select the appropriate Action for the medication (this is a new field).

  • Enter the Route, and Duration.

  • Based on Duration, enter the appropriate Total and Total Unit.

    • For example above, the updated Dr. First Data might look like:


    • Alternatively, they could specify this in terms of mg/ML and do the math (1mg times 9 days) and put ‘9' in Total and 'mg’ in Total Unit.

  • Click the Save button to save your changes.

  • Repeat this process for each Taper Template defined on the realm.

Delete existing Protocols and Recreate

It is strongly recommended to have Customers delete all of their existing Protocols and rebuild them from scratch versus trying to update the existing Protocols by adding back in all of the medications that were removed by editing them.

Using the Protocol definitions captured in the Excel template, instruct customers to delete and rebuild each of their Protocols:

  • From a patient chart, go to Current Medications.

  • Click on Protocol Manager.

  • Delete existing protocols by clicking the Trash Can button next to each protocol.

    • NOTE: Customers may want to screenshot their Protocol Manager screen as a reference for how Protocols are organized under levels.

  • Rebuild each Protocol using the details from the Excel Template.

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