Date | October 20, 2024 |
Issues | 12 issues |
What’s New: A new feature has been added allowing Inpatient Facility Billers to automatically populate the "Through" field in Box 6 of the UB04 form with the discharge date instead of the last service date, which was previously used. This feature streamlines billing processes by accurately reflecting the discharge date, even though Inpatient Services, in most cases, cannot be billed on that specific date.
Why It Matters: This update aligns with certain Insurance Payer requirements to pay the claim, reducing denials and eliminating the need for billers to manually adjust the Through Date, as they have been doing. The feature helps ensure claims are processed accurately and efficiently.
Who It’s For: This feature is specifically designed for Inpatient Facility Billers who utilize the UB04 form for submitting claims to Payers that require the "Through" Date to reflect the discharge date.
How To Use It: To activate this feature:
Go to Manage Services > Service Business Rules.
Enable the feature flag titled "Use Discharge Date in Box 6".
A tooltip will appear providing guidance: "Enable this setting to automatically set Box 6 'Through' date to the patient’s discharge date, when available. If no discharge date is provided, the system defaults to the last date of service on the claim. If this setting is disabled, Box 6 will consistently use the last date of service as the 'Through' date."
When enabled, the system will automatically use the discharge date for Box 6, if available. If no discharge date is provided, the last date of service will be used instead.
What’s New: We’ve introduced a new feature that allows users to populate and edit Box 40 on UB04 forms. This functionality is identical to the options available for Box 39, enabling accurate configuration and submission of claims across all applicable services.
Why It Matters: This enhancement ensures that claim submissions via UB04 forms include proper coding and configuration for Box 40. By aligning Box 40 with the same options available for Box 39, users can reduce errors and rejections, leading to faster and more efficient claim processing.
Who It’s For: This update is available for all customers who require UB04 claim submission, particularly those responsible for configuring and submitting claims, such as billing specialists and admins.
How to Use:
Navigate to the "Service Business Rule" section under Manage Services.
You will now find a new section titled "Value Codes - Box 40," where you can configure Type, Code, and Value, just as you would for Box 39.
Box 40 can be manually edited prior to claim submission, and it will be included when generating a "Print to Submit" version of the claim.
What’s New: Sunwave is releasing a Leave of Absence feature used to indicate a patient is “off-site” or “off campus” for a specific length of time.
Why It Matters: This new feature allows users to document a patient was not “on campus” during a particular time period. This should ensure staff understand when they are not expected to find a patient they are looking for.
Who It’s For: This feature is for inpatient service facilities who have clients leave occasionally and wish to document the clients absence for purposes of future audits related to med compliance or Q times.
How To Use It: First, configure your Leave of Absence Reasons in Practice Setup → List of Values → EMR. Input your list of reasons a patient may take a Leave of Absence.
The new Leave Of Absence feature can be found in each patient, located in the Patient Menu.
Selecting Leave of Absence will open a new window that will allow you to provide the Leave specifics. The Leave of Absence window also contains all LoA history via the History widget.
Leave of Absence will be surfaced throughout the EMR:
What’s New: Sunwave now only displays Q intervals for enabled Q times.
Why It Matters: This change will clean up the Q time selector and make it easier for users to select a specific time without having to excessivly scroll.
Who It’s For: This feature is for anyone in the service facility involved with performing patient Q’s.
How To Use It: No end user action is required. This update applies automatically. Contact your CS rep to modify Q times.
What’s New: Sunwave now supports discharging patients to the facility they are currently receiving services in.
Why It Matters: Some regulatory environments require a full discharge be processed when a client moves a level of care.
Who It’s For: This feature is for any service facility who is required to discharge patients when changing LoC.
How To Use It: Navigate to the facesheet of the patient and use the Menu button in the top right. Select Refer Out and review the options contained in Service Facility.
Issue key | Summary |
SUN-4720 | Fix User Limit Issue |
SUN-4655 | Group Number not Required |
SUN-4636 | Under Practice Setup > Users, the last login date is not populating correctly for some users. |
SUN-4616 | EMR - Refer Out needs to work for the current service facility |
SUN-4570 | Add Ability to Populate and Edit Box 40 on UB04 Forms |
SUN-4530 | EMR - LOA Implement Leave of Absence Functionality - Q's |
SUN-4529 | EMR LOA - Implement Leave of Absence Functionality - Med Census |
SUN-4510 | EMR - LOA Implement Leave of Absence Feature |
SUN-4420 | EMR - LOA Implement Leave of Absence Functionality - Search Patients & Patient Header |
SUN-3924 | Queues - Qtime drop down to match Qs selected as opposed to having to scroll through 5 minute increments |
SUN-3898 | Claim Generation - Implement Discharge Date Selection for "Through" Field in UB04 Form |