Date | Dec 18, 2023 |
What's New: Choose assessment names effortlessly from a dropdown and leverage new API endpoints for smarter, targeted data retrieval.
Why It Matters: Quickly select existing assessment names and utilize APIs for specific, accurate data pulls, enhancing your efficiency and data accuracy.
Who It's For: Administrators and developers using the BAI Assessment Report API, and form builder users managing assessment names.
How to Use This Update:
Form Builder Users: Simply pick your desired assessment name from the dropdown list during form creation or updating.
API Users:
Fetch assessment names and IDs with New Endpoint (1): http://localhost:8080/SunwaveEMR/api/reports/assessment
Retrieve a specific assessment’s data using New Endpoint (2) with desired ID and date range: http://localhost:8080/SunwaveEMR/api/reports/assessment/{assessmentID}/from/{dateFrom}/until/{dateUntil}
Ensure secure and authenticated requests, and utilize error messages for smooth adjustments.
What's New: The Census has been updated to allow manual linking of billable forms to service orders, significantly enhancing reporting capabilities by enabling the association of specific form details with services.
Why It Matters: This feature brings a new level of depth to reporting in manual billing setups, offering insights like service duration, facilitator details, and service types, essential for comprehensive service analysis and billing processes.
Who It's For: Crucial for customers handling manual billing who need detailed service order correlations, this tool is indispensable for RCM users and executives focused on in-depth service reports.
How to Use:
Enable Permission: First, activate the “Can Link Billable Forms” option in Practice Setup → Users.
Adding a Service: When manually adding a service in the Census, choose the desired service and then click on the form icon.
Linking Forms: In the pop-up, use the dropdown to select the form(s) you wish to link. After selection, click the + sign to add them.
Confirmation: Once added, you'll see the form listed along with its time range. Click 'Close' to exit.
Verification: After closing the pop-up, you’ll return to the original Service pop-up, where you can confirm that the form is now linked.
What's New: We've rolled out an enhanced feature that allows users to set customizable percentage thresholds for both "Contracted" and "Estimated" payments. With this, the collection status is automatically determined based on the payments received.
Why It Matters: This ensures that claims aren’t prematurely shifted to "Patient Responsibility" and gives managers finer control. Now, you can be certain that claims are only moved when payments meet your specific thresholds.
Who It's For: Ideal for claim managers, billing departments, and anyone overseeing insurance claims.
How to Use:
Enable Mange Realms Flag “Enable Payment Thresholds”.
Navigate to Master Data > Manage Services.
Look for the "Payment Threshold Percentage" button.
Set your desired thresholds for "Contracted" and "Estimated".
Remember, thresholds can range between 0-100%.
What's New: Significant additions have been made to the Ad-Hoc, Payments, and Postings Reports in the RCM suite, introducing various new fields to improve the depth and usability of financial reporting, payment tracking, and account management.
Why It Matters: With these new fields, users gain advanced capabilities for detailed analysis, better filtering, and more precise financial reporting. This enhancement facilitates a deeper understanding of financial transactions and account statuses.
Who It's For: This update is crucial for financial and billing professionals requiring comprehensive and customizable reporting tools for in-depth financial analysis and effective account management.
How to Use:
In Ad-Hoc Reports:
New ‘Dimension’ fields include:
“Financial Class”
“Insurance Nickname”
“Payment ID” and/or “Remit ID”
All these fields are filterable and exportable.
In Payments Reports:
New fields include:
“Credit Card Transaction ID”
“Admitted Service Facility”
“Service Name”
These fields are also filterable and exportable.
In Postings Reports:
Additions and changes include:
“Service Facility ID” added to the left of Service Facility.
“Insurance Nickname” added to the right of 'Insurance'.
“Financial Class” added next to 'Insurance Nickname'.
“Billing Facility ID” column removed.
These new fields are included in the CSV export functionality.
What's New: We've introduced the ability to refund or create new payments for Payment Plans in Closed status. This feature is available across CRM and EMR platforms, enhancing the flexibility of managing financial transactions.
Why It Matters: This update is particularly useful in scenarios such as lost opportunities where payments or deposits have already been taken. Users can seamlessly issue refunds without the need to modify the existing status of the Payment Plan. Additionally, in cases where patients are admitted to different billing facilities, it facilitates the process of refunding and recharging from the correct facility, ensuring a smooth and efficient financial transaction.
Who It's For: Ideal for those managing Payment Plans within CRM or EMR systems, especially in situations requiring post-closure financial adjustments, such as issuing refunds or processing new payments.
How to Use:
Navigate to Closed Payment Plans: Find the Payment Plan in Closed Status that requires adjustment.
Refund or Add New Payment: Select the option to create a ‘New Payment’ or process a ‘Refund’ as needed.
Maintain Plan Status: The Closed status of the Payment Plan remains intact, allowing for accurate historical record-keeping while accommodating financial modifications.
What's New: The CSV import/export functionality for the Insurance Providers List now includes a "Financial Class" column. This column is recognized during import and is positioned immediately to the right of the "Max Amount per Claim" column for both import and export processes.
Why It Matters: The addition of the "Financial Class" column streamlines data mapping and enhances the view for auditing and operational activities. It's a crucial update for users who categorize insurance providers based on financial class, offering them a more organized and efficient way to manage and review insurance provider information.
Who It's For: This update is tailored for facilities that depend on the financial classification to manage insurance providers. It's particularly beneficial for those who need a structured and consistent approach to categorizing and auditing insurance provider data.
How to Use:
For Import: Include the "Financial Class" column immediately after "Max Amount per Claim" in your CSV file. The system will recognize and correctly place this information in the Insurance Providers List.
For Export: When you export the Insurance Providers List to CSV, the file will now include the "Financial Class" column, following the "Max Amount per Claim" column.
What's New: The 'Ref Id' column in the Financials system's View Transactions table now features hyperlinks. Each 'Ref Id', representing a Journal Entry ID, directly connects users to the claim/payment edit screen for detailed historical insights.
Why It Matters: This update facilitates instant access to the history and details of claims or payments associated with specific Journal Entries. It enhances the user's ability to quickly gain insights into financial transactions without navigating through multiple screens.
Who It's For: Ideal for Financials system users who frequently review transaction histories and require immediate, detailed information about specific Journal Entries related to claims or payments.
How to Use:
Navigate to Financials > Accounting Periods, and open the View Transactions table.
Click on any 'Ref Id' hyperlink, like 'JE234908141', to be taken directly to the corresponding claim or payment edit screen.
What's New: The "Export Transactions with Control Accounts" function in Financials has been updated to include "Financial Class" and "Level of Care" columns.
Why It Matters: Understanding the financial class and level of care associated with transactions aids in accurate financial assessment and strategic planning.
Who It's For: This feature is especially beneficial for users who manage detailed transaction records in Financials and require comprehensive data for analysis.
How to Use:
Access the Feature: In Financials, under Accounting Periods, select an open period to access the export option.
Comprehensive Data Export: When exporting transactions, the new columns will appear to the right, seamlessly integrating with the current format for ease of use and familiarity.
What's New: The Leads screen has been enhanced to preserve ordering, sorting and selected filters when navigating away from the leads screen to perform work.
Why It Matters: This enhancement helps users filter and structure their open leads so they can more quickly and easily navigate to where they need to perform work while preserving their customized view until their return.
Who It's For: This enhancement is for admissions representatives, intake specialists and anyone else who works with leads.
How to Use: Navigate through the left navigation panel to the Leads area of the CRM. Select various filtering criteria and navigate to and away from the Leads page.
What's New: The Lab Results Pending Signatures screen has been enhanced with additional data like Result ID #, Requisition ID #, Time Collected and Time Reported.
Why It Matters: This enhancement helps the facility track samples, lab requisitions and results by easily presenting the ID numbers used internally to the facility and externally with the lab on the same screen, creating an easily understandable chain of custody.
Who It's For: This enhancement is for techs, nurses, providers and counselors who have an interest in a patients requisitions and results.
How to Use: Navigate through the left navigation panel to the Labs area and select “Pending Signature”.
What's New: The faxing process has been enriched with a customizable 'Fax Cover Sheet' option. This ensures all necessary recipient details are provided upfront, enhancing fax clarity and safeguarding against potential misplacements.
Why It Matters: When sending important documents via fax, having a cover sheet can provide essential context to the recipient, clarify the sender's intent, and ensure that the documents are appropriately handled.
Who It's For: Any user who utilizes the 'Send by Fax' functionality will benefit from this feature, especially when clarity and thoroughness in communication are paramount.
How to Use:
Start the Process: Navigate to 'Generated Files', locate the file you wish to fax, and click on 'Send by Fax'.
Enter Fax Number: Input the recipient's fax number.
Proceed: Click 'Next' to move to the next step.
Complete Cover Sheet Details: Fill in the necessary fields on the Cover Sheet, including 'To', 'From', and any 'Comments'.
Choose Your Sending Option:
Select 'Skip Cover Page & Send' if you wish to send the fax without a cover page.
Choose 'Send With Cover Page' to include the filled-in cover sheet as the first page of your fax.
What's New: Sunwave Dynamic Reporting now offers Calendar based reporting!
Why It Matters: Dynamic Reporting is a powerful flexible tool that allows users to slice any calendar in Sunwave to answer questions related to scheduling, caseload, room capacity and patient load. Answer questions like:
How many sessions this week have no Patient’s assigned?
How many total sessions did we do last week? Did we do forms with these sessions?
How many patients or sessions were ‘No Shows’ for each of my clinicians last month?
How many Individual Therapy sessions a member of my Staff has scheduled for next week?
How many total sessions does a specific patient have?
How many total sessions does a specific therapist have?
Who It's For: This enhancement is for admins, clinical directors, operations managers or anyone with an interest in scheduling on the calendar.
How to Use: Navigate through the left navigation panel to Reports and find “Calendar Dynamic Report”.
What's New: The Sunwave Patient Roster has been enhanced to provide more information to staff and patients. You can now find the staff member(s) and rooms that a patient will be seeing throughout their day.
Why It Matters: This enhancement will allow patients and staff to more easily understand where each other are and whom they are with.
Who It's For: This enhancement is for Resident Assistant, Case Manager, Therapist or anyone who may need to review a staff or patients roster.
How to Use: Navigate to the calendar, select the blue menu and click Patient Roster. Select a specific patient to see their schedule.
SUN-3405 - Facilitating Co-Signatures in MARA
SUN-3366 - RCM Reports - Add Fields to Ad-Hoc, Payments, and Postings Reports
SUN-3357 - Patient Engagement - Treatment Plan Formatting
SUN-3293 - Add "EOB Hold" Field to Claims Ad-Hoc and Payments Reports
SUN-3286 - VerifyTx - Implement persistent authentication for VerifyTx integration
SUN-3248 - RCM - Enhanced Refund and Management Options for Zero-Balance Payment Plans
SUN-3216 - CRM - Opportunity - Define Required Fields for Creation
SUN-3189 - CRM - Accommodate Special Characters for Phone Number Contains special characters
SUN-3148 - RCM - Auto-Hold EOBs (Manual & ERA) based on Threshold
SUN-3121 - Billing - Insurance Providers - CSV Import/Export to Include "Financial Class" Column
SUN-3099 - Financials - Ref Id in the View Transactions Table to link to Edit Claim or Edit Payment
SUN-2985 - CRM - Leads/Opportunities - Enhance Prospect Pipeline Screens
SUN-2958 - EMR - Patient Roster - Add Staff Member & Meeting Room
SUN-2891 - Financials - Export Transactions with Control Accounts need to Include columns for Financial Class and Level of Care
SUN-2796 - Medication Inventory Management - 2nd Signer Password Error
SUN-2752 - Labs - Pending Signatures - Modify column label and add new column
SUN-1282 - RCM - Census - Ability to Link Form to Service for Manual Billing
SUN-479 - Implement 'Fax Cover Sheet' Option in Send Fax Functionality with Configurable Fields
SUN-158 - New Calendar Report (dynamic)