Get a dump of insert statements of your existing database:
docker exec -i sunwave-mysql sh -c "mysqldump -u root -p'Welcome1' --skip-extended-insert sunwave3" > sunwave3-insert-statements.sql
This example is for aws docker image. The key to use ”--skip-extended-insert”Pull out the table you need to update:
cat sunwave3-insert-statements.sql | grep sw_timeline_task > insert_sw_timeline_task.sql
Modify the sql file by copy the existing insert statement and modifying to suit your needs.
Remove old insert statements.
Update https://github.com/sunwavehealth/devops/blob/develop/database/docker/3_wack-o-mole.sql file
Reinstall the docker image see https://sunwavehealth.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/~63696606d60bd2b365f87223/pages/61865999/wack-o-mole+database+usage#Update-to-newest-version%3A
Rerun your integration test.
Update the database structure.